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How can we help?

  • Where can I download the app?

    • The VaultBeauty app is currently available in the App Store. The Android app will be released in 2021. Follow us on social media to get updates on new features and the Android app!

  • How much does VaultBeauty cost?

    • At the moment, it's free for everyone! We plan on introducing subscription pricing options in the future when we add more features.

  • Can I book an appointment on VaultBeauty?

    • We currently do not offer booking capabilities. Instead, we encourage artists and clients to communicate directly through the app.

  • How does VaultBeauty evaluate artists?

    • We are proud of the quality of artists on VaultBeauty. ALL artists are required to have the most up-to-date certifications, depending on what states they work in.

      To level up, we invite artists to apply to become a VaultVerified Artist.

  • Why are profiles centered around artists instead of salons?

    • VaultBeauty was created to empower the independent beauty professional, regardless of whether they work for a salon or larger team. We’re committed to supporting our artists as entrepreneurs and encourage them to work on their own terms.

  • How do I leave a review for an artist?

    • On the artist’s profile, go to the Reviews tab and tap “Write a Review.” You must have an account with VaultBeauty to leave a review.

  • Does VaultBeauty charge a processing fee?

    • No, we do not charge any processing fee or take a percentage of sales.

  • How do I cancel my account?

    • Aw, we hate to see you go! If you’d like to cancel your account, email, and we’ll close your account for you.


For Artists

  • How do I get paid?

    • Clients can use the app to reach you, but all transactions are exclusively between the artist and the client. You set your own rates too.

  • How do I create a profile that stands out and attracts my ideal client?

    • Fully fill out your profile to appear in relevant search results and help clients find you. Clients are able to search by location, service categories (makeup, hair, nails, etc.), and/or by services.

      Your bio should give a sense of your personality and include information about your business and expertise your clients would want to know.

      Attract new clients with high quality photos of your best work and label your services with common searched keywords. Your social media and website can drive additional engagement, so don’t forget to link to them.

      To really build trust and boost your reputation, ask clients to leave a review on your profile!

  • How do I get featured for #ArtistWednesday on the VaultBeauty Instagram?

    • To get featured, make sure your VaultBeauty profile is completely filled out, and you’ve included your Instagram handle. We love showcasing our artists on Instagram and building a community!

      Want to nominate an artist? Send us an email at


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